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Text File | 1995-08-01 | 11.7 KB | 1,044 lines
AMIGA_ATLAS_CATALOG AmiAtlas Pro Error Warning Hint Information Product info Question Question AmiAtlas Pro Demo %s V%s © Andreas Regul %s Load map... Add map... Save map... Rename map Add town Edit town Add new street Edit street Join maps... Set aspect ratio... Set current area's name... Set street name... Choose district Set car registration Car registration... Set park name Town information Route information Street information Representation Choose font... Change colors... Choose screen mode... Print poster... Car registration Map details in [%s] Town list of [%s] Speed / Priority Map [%s] Choose geographical area... Choose file... Miscellaneous Choose parc... New towns in map [%s] New streets in map [%s] New borders in map [%s] Print map Choose town... Route calculation in map [%s] Load route definition file... Save route definition file... New street Choose route... This program is registrated for:|| %s | %s | %s %s V%s (v%s, %s)|© Andreas Regul %s||map: %s (%s)|format: %s|town number: %d street number: %d|memory: %d %s V%s (v%s, %s)|© Andreas Regul %s|memory: %d saving Choose directory... Multiple town names... Printing route description... Save route description... Choose street... Input town name... Choose start town... Choose destination town... Choose starting point... Set next point... Choose geographical point... Move geographical point... Choose outline... Journey information - %s Default start town... Choose map partitioning (example: 5 x 5) Choose starting point for border... Multiple streets in map [%s] Choose town... Choose hotel at %s Set hotel name... Okay Cancel Yes No Yes|No Load Save Print New Add Remove Edit Show Use Default Okay|Show|Information Okay|Edit Okay|Table|Remove Print shareware registration|Cancel Yes|No|Never Show multiple towns Okay|Cancel 2 x 2|3 x 3|4 x 4|Own|Cancel Calculate Full Page|Scale factor|Poster Ordered|Halftone|Floyd-Steinberg Horizontal|Vertical Black/White|Greyscale 1|Greyscale 2|Color Sea data cannot be displayed|because of low chip memory. File 'AmiAtlas.key' cannot be found. 'AmiAtlas.key' is invalid !!! Low memory situation.|Please remove all other tasks from your machine. Not enough memory to execute|this program function. The actual map does not include any|tailback information. Prefs settings cannot be saved. This program is public domain. Spread it to your friends.|Some program functions are limited. Please print|the shareware registration and|send it together with the shareware fee as euro-cheque to:|| SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT| Andreas Regul| Steinweg 6| D-61462 Königstein (Germany) Printer is not ready. Cannot open map. Cannot create new plan. Loading map '%s' Cannot open map. Cannot find file %s. Not able to load this map version. Cannot load map because of low memory. Cannot load map. Adding map '%s' Border information cannot be loaded|because of low memory. Cannot create directory. The concatenated map has not been saved.|Please save it before program exit|if you want to keep it. Cannot load second map because of low memory. Cannot add second map|because of duplicate town names. Cannot add second map. No file name specified.|Please save it again. Saving map '%s' Cannot save map. Printer '%s' not ready.|Please check it and try again. No paper in '%s'. No access to printer '%s'. Cannot start printout.|Please check printer '%s'. Cannot save way description. Cannot create way description icon. Maximum number of new towns is 10 in this demo version.||Please registrate and pay shareware fee (see menu 'Map->Product info'). Choose new town's position... Removing town '%s' Street already exists. Removing street:|%s -> %s The actual map is set to default map.|Next time you start AmiAtlas,|you will get this map directly. Cannot insert vertex. Cannot insert vertex. Cannot move vertex. Cannot remove vertex. Joining map '%s'.|Please wait... Street cannot be found. No districts defined in this map. Geographical area not available. Cannot find town. Cannot find car registration number. The actual map does not include|car registration numbers. Cannot open journey information. The actual map does not include|journey information. Cannot find that parc. The actual map does not include parcs. Town: %s|Longitude: %d°%d'|Latitude: %d°%d'|State: %s|%s: %s Route: %s -> %s|Distance: %s km Car registration: '%s'||Town/District: %s|%s: %s|State: %s Street: %s -> %s|Type: %s|Distance: %s km|Name: %s Maximum number of route calculations is 3 in this|demo version.||Please registrate and pay the shareware fee.|(see menu 'Map->Product info'). Calculating route:|%s -> %s|Please wait... Cannot calculate route because of|low memory. No route found !? Actual area will be start area|starting AmiAtlas again. Whole map will be start area. Cannot open window ! Cannot open new screen ! Cannot load route definition. Cannot load route definition.|Unknown version. Please use a text viewer to|display this text file. Removing map '%s'.|Please wait... Removing maps.|Please wait... Cannot find file 'AmiAtlas.countries' ! No prefs file found.|Standard configuration will be used. Cannot save prefs file. Cannot save district and state information file. Did you pay the shareware fee ?||Just to remember... :-) Cannot open screen !? Please insert a sheet for page area %d. Printing area %d... No extra information available. No information available to display sea. No named areas until now. Cannot open parc information. Please choose map partitioning. Invalid subdivision. Map area cannot be printed using|this scale factor. Printer cannot output graphics. Invalid printer data. Cannot print graphic because of low memory. Printer is busy. Start and destination towns must be different. Please add street name. Please add distance. Plase add destination town. This way definition file was saved for map|'%s'.|Please load this map to use way definition. Town already used as destionation. Town already used as start. Town already used. File type cannot be used at this point. Cannot find file. Choosen file must be a way definition. Unknown version of way definition file. Way definition cannot be loaded. Data is missing in this way definition.|Save anyway ? Please add start town. Not enough memory. Town name exists. Cannot create street. Geographical posiotion already used for town:|'%s'. Please add geographical position. Please add town name. No routes have been calculated or|have been removed using an edit function. Time interval to short. Not enough memory to open online help. Cannot find help file 'AmiAtlas:AmiAtlas.guide'. 'amigaguide.library' cannot be found.|Please install ©AmigaGuide on your system. Not enough memory. Help page cannot be found. Street cannot be added to start town|because of low memory. Street cannot be added to destination|because of low memory. Street cannot be added to start town. Street cannot be added to destination. Cannot create street. Cannot create street because|of low memory. Cannot insert town. Not enough memory to insert town. Cannot remove town. Cannot remove street. Cannot load catalog '%s'.|Using default language. No hotel information available. Cannot display hotel information. Hotel not found. Cannot load car description. Map New Load... Add... Save Save as... AmiAtlas... ASCII... Save as Rename... Print... About... Product info... User... Close Quit Edit Town list... Towns Add... Insert... Remove Edit... Streets Add Remove Edit Geography New border New coast New island New river Edit geography Add vertex Remove vertex Move vertex Close outline Free outline Join map... Default map Aspect ratio... Search Town... Next town Street... District... Car registration Search... List... Journey... Parcs Search... List... Show... Remember area Old area Route Calculate... Choose... Hide Remove... Remove all Fastest route Shortest route Pleasant route Avoid tailbacks Display Show all Area Choose... Give name... Remove... Previous Next Start area set reset Towns More Less Auto Transparent Streets More Less Auto Names Net Degree/Minutes Only minutes fine middle wide Coordinates Degree/Minutes Only minutes Config Map details... Speed... Fonts... Colors... Miscellaneous... Workbench Screen mode... Redraw map Iconify Load config... Save config Help Contents... Glossary... Towns New Remove Edit Okay Route Load... Save... Calculate Cancel Options Default start... Route Show Print Save... Okay Display only street changes street changes/sub targets all towns Additional infos Distance up Distance down Time Hotels Search... List... Show... No default Calculate with... Really remove all calculated routes ? Shall concatenated map be saved immediately ? Map was saved in different format last time.|Really change format ? Overwrite existing file ? Really remove town '%s' ? Really remove street|'%s -> %s' ? Really remove named area ? Really remove route ? Route definition has been created in a different map.|Shall correct map be loaded first ? Map '%s' has been changed.|Close anyway ? Configuration has been modified.|Save new prefs ? Printout will be %d x %d mm in size.|Start printing ? Really remove street ? AmiAtlas Pro AmiAtlas ASCII , map [%s] Distance : %s kilometers Driving time : %s hours/minutes Motorway perc. : %d % Fuel consum. : %s at %s at Fuel costs : %s at %s undefined District Town details Street details Geography street names parcs Town name long. lat. Eastern Western Northern Southern degree minute second longitude latitude Speed (km/h) Priority Long.: Lat. : Car Fuel consum. Fuel price create icons check printer scroll bars dock Currency /litre litre/100 km unnamed %s from '%s' to '%s' Inserted: %s <--> %s NOT inserted: %s <--> %s, missing town %s ! Mode Shading Aspect Color Left margin Right margin Scale 1 : Threshold Scale factor... Start town Dest town Name Distance (_km) Street _type Tailback % in map [%s] 00:00 Route type no tailbacks Departure Arrival Drive via Destination Town name _State / District Town type longitude latitude Streets to %s in map [%s] via ...via Route in map [%s] kilometer: %s driving time: %s motorway perc.: %d % consum.: %s costs: %s km Departure: Arrival : %s route from %s to %s via %s and %s km ...via Distance : %s kilometer Driving time : %s hours/minutes Motorway perc. : %d % fuel consum. : %s at %s fuel costs : %s at %s Language hotels Floyd-Steinberg at Single Double Breakfast, lunch Breakfast, lunch and dinner Children up to %d years free Address Phone Fax Prices Furniture Specials Accepted credit cards none average speed : %d kilometer/hour red green blue Definition Towns Streets Borders Coasts Islands Rivers Sea Car IDs Parks Hotels Markings Finished Consistency test misc. towns motorway exit motorway triangle motorway cross village town big town metropole capital motorway names europe street names state street names national street names small street names misc. street names coordinate net title bar with OS 1.2/1.3 undefined motorway exit motorway triangle motorway cross village town big town metropole capital miscellaneous drive in motorway europe street state street national street small street miscellaneous borders coasts islands rivers sea DM SFr ÖS HFl FF BFr LFr Lit DKr Zl Ft £ $ D-Mark Franken Schilling Gulden Franc Belg. Franc Lux. Franc Lira Kronen Zloty Forint Pound Dollar Fastest Shortest Pleasant street changes changes/sub targets all towns phone radio TV WC shower bath minibar balcony parking swimming pool sauna solarium rent a bike animals accepted meeting rooms children beds American Express Diners Eurocard Visa